Клуб янгиликлари

Historical matches between Pakhtakor and Navbakhor

Клуб янгиликлари

We submit to your attention the historical information of matches of these teams.

In 1998 Pakhtakor played champion title match against Navbakhor. The game which was taking place in Tashkent has brought together 30 thousand fans at home stadium. Lions have achieved a victory thanks to two scored Igor Shkvyrin‘s goals in the 4th and 62nd minute. This victory which has taken place 20 years ago on November 6 has earned gold three points and the champion‘s title.

In 1993 Pakhtakor in Uzbekistan Cup final beat Navbakhor with the score 3:0. In that game Numon Khasanov, Mirjalol Qosimov and Rifat Galeev have scored goals. Lions in that match have won the first Cup title.

In 1999 our team have lost Navbakhor with the score 4:2 in the cup-final of the President of Uzbekistan. The match took place in Fergana.